Wednesday, 18 July 2012


Billy has been having a lot of trouble with his veins lately.  When he was first diagnosed he had a port-a-cath which was inserted under his skin directly into a vein.  Unfortunately he was very unlucky and within 6 months it had nearly come out and had to be removed.  We were lucky that the doctor spotted it when he did and an emergency operation saved Billy being seriously ill.

  Prior to it being removed Billy had complained that it was really really painful.  The doctors didn't take any notice of this and thought he was making it up. The poor little  boy was in a lot of pain and now looking back I feel so guilty for not trusting my instincts and believing him.

Billy has been petrified of any IV's since this.  All IV chemo he has is now done via veins in his hands.  Last week the doctor had a lot of trouble finding a vein.  The first vein wouldn't accept the canula, the second blew and he was in pain and the lump that came up when it was flushed looked awful.  On the third attempt the vein the doctor chose was a success and the chemo was administered.

I am hoping the next time will be easier, it was awful watching him in pain and seeing his face and watching the emotions and fear on it.  He finds it hard to trust the hospital after the problems before so he does worry a lot.

He is still smiling though and always fighting through.  I am so so proud to call him my son.

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