Tuesday, 7 February 2012

Billy's birthday

Not long after we came out of hospital it was Billy's 4th birthday.  I wanted to make it the best birthday he had ever had.  I had bought a couple of presents before he was diagnosed and you need to buy things when you see them on offer!  He was very excited about it and as he was managing to go to school every afternoon that week, my friend Heather and I went into town to get some bits. 

I wanted the whole room to be bright, exciting and fun.  I wanted from the second he woke up it to be special and him to be thrilled and happy.  I must admit I wanted to spoil him rotten to make up for all the horrible nasty things he has been going through.  Make things all happy and amazing and for just a short while for him to be able to forget that life was different and that he had leukaemia and just be a little boy who's birthday it was and have some fun.

Although I couldn't have the party that we had booked as it was at a farm and it was to much of a risk for Billy so I decided at very short notice to do a little party for him at home with some of his very best friends and family.  I thought i would try and do it all as a surprise just to make him feel extra special and extra loved.

The steroids were starting to really kick in and Billy had started to put on a bit of weight and also wasn't sleeping well and got very cross or upset easily so I thought if I could make this day extra special it might help him all round.  I bought a couple of big helium balloons to put in the lounge and some banners and bought some party food and made others.  AS he was Ben 10 mad I found an amazing cake at Tesco with some 'flare' candles.  Billy was obsessed with party bags so I made some for his friends that were coming.

Then I went present shopping.  I know I went a bit over the top but I think one of your first instincts in a situation like this is to make everything good and better for them.  I was helpless making him better that was in the hands of the doctors but I could buy him presents that would provide him with enjoyment and make him smile so I spent a small fortune in toys r us.

I even got him a blue DS with some money from my grandma that she had given me for my birthday and Billy for his.  This may seem a very grown up present but it has been a godsend for the hospital.  It has killed time, taken his mind of what is happening and just helped him exercise his mind.  It goes everywhere with us and has been worth every penny.

The night before his birthday Billy struggled with the steroids to go to sleep so it was very very late by the time I got to put things up but it was so worth it to see his little face in the morning.  I had found some great Ben 10 wrapping paper so he loved that and the cards.  He became the little boy that he was before this had started.  He was full of excitement and was so animated when unwrapping his presents.  Everything was great and he looked so happy.

I had arranged it for various family members and friends to pop round at different times in the morning so he was kept busy for most of it.  He didn't want to go to school as he wanted to play but when i told him he was having a party he was reluctant but went in.

He had a few friends round and he loved it, they had party food and played and he had so much fun.  It was great to see him being the way he was.  Just for one day he managed to battle against the steroids and be a normal little boy again.  What a star!!

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