Wednesday, 8 February 2012

Giving Blood

The interview that I did yesterday for a campaign to get more people to give blood is the inspiration behind this post.  Before Billy was diagnosed I had given blood a couple of times, albeit very sporadically and didn't realise what a big deal it is.

I had it in my head that is was mainly used for victims of car crashes and maybe the odd operation.  I had no idea that children ( and of course adults ) who are on treatments like Billy need it and when they are on intensive treatment they need it quite often.  This is why the campaign that is being run is proving so successful, because it is showing people the different people that need blood and who rely on people like us who are able to donate to give a pint!

I am now very vocal in encouraging people to give blood if they are able to.  I have had a few friends use the old excuse 'but I am scared of needles'.  Oh please, some of these people have countless tattoos and some have a few piercings.  I do appreciate that there are genuinely some people who have a proper phobia of needles and this I understand, but the ones who may just be a bit squeamish?  Get over it! Its nothing, it lasts a few minutes and the blood you donate could literally save someones life.  Surely thats a reason to do it?

For the squeamish ones just think of this.  My son, who was 3 when he starting having needle regularly stuck into him to take blood had no choice.  He has to put up with it.  And he is so so brave, he never complains or makes a fuss, he just gets on with it!  If a child can do it with no fuss on a regular basis then you can.

Billy has received both blood and platelet transfusions on a number of occasions, one time it was literally  life saving so I am more than aware of the good it does.  I was so grateful to the wonderful people who had given their time and their blood to help.

I must admit since Billy has been poorly I have been giving blood every 4 months.  I am so proud that Billy has inspired a lot of other people, friends, family, friends of friends etc to donate blood and the lucky few platelets too.  Its normally men that can give platelets but they are just as crucial as blood donations and they can help so many people.  Thats another reason I gave the interview to show how brave Billy is in the hope this would encourage others to help.

Billy being poorly has opened my eyes to the amount of ways that I can help others and if one of those ways is by giving blood then I am all for it.  I do understand if there is a medical reason why you can't but if its at all possible just give a pint.... or two!!

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